Source and resources

Welcome to Spiritsfully Sources and Resources section, a curated list of the tools and websites I strongly recommend for understanding alcoholic beverages making from other perspectives than Spiritsfully’s.

The best books to learn about spirits
Warning: I have bought every book recommended on this page (no gifts or affiliate link). They have been instrumental or crucial for me I hope they will be for you.

The best websites
Here you will find a selection of resources (generalist and specialist)

The best tools for a proper fine liquors tasting
What are tools? Tools you need to learn. Tools you need to taste properly.
And other suggestions to make your spirits-life better. From wearing the right t-shirt to having the right carafe.

The best magazines about spirits
There are less and less printed matters about spirits. Yes and no. Here are some exceptions.

The best podcasts about spirits
Of course there is the podcast made by spiritsfully, along with Artisan Bar Camp but there are others worth listening to. We’re in the best of times for podcasts, so we might as well enjoy it.