The best books
about spirits and fine liquors

Yes! Printed matters still matters!
It sounds old-fashioned to dive into books in the age of the web. But it is important. Not only are there more and more of them, and more and more specialized.
They are also more and more beautiful, so it’s worth it to dive into them. We also learn, one anecdote at a time. Have a good reading!
Discover spirits beautifully
Why those books? This is not a traditional bibliography at all, perhaps because I myself got into spirits from the margin, because books and individuals made me want to.
Proof: This book looks at alcohol from a scientific point of view, from yeast to the mechanism behind hangover. It’s arduous but you’ll have a better idea of what you are talking about afterwards.
Distilled Knowledge: This book looks at alcohol from a scientific point of view, from yeast to the mechanism behind hangover. It’s arduous but you’ll have a better idea of what you are talking about afterwards.
Spirituous Journey: it worths diving into the history of alcohol to understand why we drink what we drink today.
Alcools: it’s a detailed overview of each category. Exists in many languages.
Drunken Botanist: because you need to know about the ingredients

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