Which spirit will taste like you?
Which adjective represent you better?
click on it to find out which spirits will be the most interesting to you, your totem spirit!
People oriented
People oriented & versatile
Vodka is versatile and can adapt to many people and their tastes. Then go and check vodka! So if you picked up that word or the world “versatile” I adise you to check that spirit!

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Vodka is low calorie and often, healthy* people tend to go for vodka. Then go and check vodka!
(*well obviously, drinking alcohol is rarely a good idea if you really want to have a very healthy life. Once again, moderation prevails.)

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No low
Without (or no low)
You’re curious about the so called “alcohol free spirits”. Then go and check alcohol free adult beverages! If you picked up “no low”, this category should seduce you as much!.

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If you have chosen the word curious you will be happy to explore spirits from Asia such as Baijiu or Soju or less known products such as Arrack Batavia or Charanda. But you would also appreciate to check the glossary or how spirits are made in the basic class!

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Non conformiste
Non conformist
If you have chosen this word, it would make sense to explore spirits from Asia such as Baijiu or Soju or less known beverages such as Arrack Batavia or Charanda. Enjoy!

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If you have chosen the word social, then two spirits should match you rather well vodka or about tequila. In an article (source lost :-() one day, i even read that margarita drinker are not afraid to be themselves and also that they can be the life of a party! Do you agree?

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If you picked up that word, you may particularly appreciate knowing more about whisky (especially since the category is vast and diverse!) and rum (and do not forget to read about cachaca and rhum agricole: this should make you very happy)! That said, you should not neglect Eaux de Vies and their subtleties!

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If you pick the word trendsetter, you may enjoy mezcal or less known spirits such as Palinka or Calvados (People think they know everything about Calvados, but in fact…)

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Well informed
Should you have pick that word, one may say that whisky will be your thing. Single malt drinkers especially know exactly how they want to appreciate their beverages, but you could really enjoy an armagnac or a cognac too. In any case, these are the amber spirits you should be looking at.

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Young at heart
Young at heart people are happy with anything rum (with or without alcohol).

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Gin drinkers approach drinking is very different according to how they drink it. For example, as martini they would be quite mysterious or intellectual. Do that speak to you? Then dive in and click here.

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